Selected publications (2010-2018)




Veresov, N. (2012). Resolving conflicts in collectives: formula of opposition. September Publishers. Moscow

Veresov, N. N. (2006). Psihologia upravlenia. Second (revised) edition. Moscow (in Russian).

Veresov, N. (2003). The Formula of Opposition. SPU; Second Edition, Moscow (in Russian),

Veresov N. N. (2001). Psychology of management and administration. Moscow (in Russian),

Veresov, N. (1999). Undiscovered Vygotsky. Etudes on the pre-history of cultural- historical psychology. Frankfurt am Main; Peter Lang Publishers

Veresov, N. (1998). The Formula of Opposition. SPU; Moscow (in Russian).

Book Chapters

Cripps Clark, J. Nicholas, M., Veresov, N. (2021). Cultural-historical methodology for educational research:  A Vygotskian Manifesto. In P. White, R. Tytler, J. Ferguson, J. Cripps Clark (Eds). Methodological approaches to STEM education research (Vol. 2) (pp. 234-261).  Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Veresov, N. (2021). Advancing Vygotsky’s Legacy: Interrupted Argument with Fernando González Rey. In D. M. Goulart, A. Martinez, M. Adams (Eds.). Theory of subjectivity from a cultural-historical standpoint (pp. 119-136). Springer.

Veresov, N. (2020). Identity as a sociocultural phenomenon: the dialectics of belonging, being and becoming. In A.T. Neto, F. Liberali, M. Dafermos (Eds.), Revisiting Vygotsky for social change: bringing together theory and practice (pp. 175-191). New York: Peter Lang

Veresov, N., Kellogg, D. (2019). Leaving the stage. In L.S. Vygotsky’s Pedological Works. Volume 1. Foundations of Pedology (pp. 143-156). Singapore: Springer Nature

Kellogg, D. & Veresov, N. (2019). Setting the stage. In L.S. Vygotsky’s Pedological Works. Volume 1. Foundations of Pedology (pp. v-xix). Singapore: Springer Nature

Veresov, N. (2019). Subjectivity and perezhivanie: empirical and methodological challenges and opportunities. In F. Gonzalez Rey, A. Mitjans Martinez, D. Goulart (Eds.). Subjectivity within Cultural-Historical Approach (pp. 61-86). Singapore: Springer.

Veresov, N., Mok, N. (2018). Understanding development through the perezhivanie of learning. In J. P. Lantolf, M. Poehner & M. Swain (Eds.), (2018). The Routledge handbook of sociocultural theory and second language development (pp 89-101). NY: Routledge.

Fleer, M., Veresov, N. (2018). A cultural-historical methodology for researching early childhood education. In M. Fleer, B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education, Springer International Handbooks of Education, Vol. 1, pp. 225-250DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-0927-7_9

Fleer, M., Veresov, N. (2018). Cultural-historical and activity theories informing early childhood education. In M. Fleer, B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education, Springer International Handbooks of Education, Vol. 1, pp. 47-76 DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-0927-7_3

Kravtsova, E., Veraksa, N., Veresov, N. (2018). Contemporary research in early childhood: roots and perspectives. In M. Fleer, B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education, Springer International Handbooks of Education, Vol. 1, pp. 429-448 DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-0927-7_18

Veraksa, N., Veresov, N. (2018). Dialectical thinking research in early years. In N. Veraksa, S. Sheridan (Eds.), (2018). Vygotsky’s theory in early childhood education and research: Russian and Western values (pp.25-38). London and New York: Routledge

Fleer, M., Gonzales Rey, F., Veresov, N. (2017). Perezhivanie, emotions and subjectivity; setting the stage. In: Fleer et al. (eds), Perezhivanie, emotions and subjectivity: advancing Vygotsky legacy (pp 1- 15). New York: Springer.

Fleer, M., Gonzales Rey, F., Veresov, N. (2017). Continuing the Dialogue: Advancing conceptions of emotions, perezhivanie and subjectivity for the study of human development. In: Fleer et al. (eds), Perezhivanie, emotions and subjectivity: advancing Vygotsky legacy (pp 247-261). New York: Springer.

Veresov, N. (2017). The Concept of perezhivanie in cultural-historical theory: content and contexts. In: Fleer et al. (eds), Perezhivanie, emotions and subjectivity: advancing Vygotsky legacy (pp 47-70). New York: Springer.

Veresov, N. (2014). Emotions, perezhivanie et developpement culturel: le projet inacheve de Lev Vygotski (Human emotions, perezhivanie, and cultural development: the unfinished project of Lev Vygotsky), in Semiotique, Culture et Developpement Psychologique, eds Christiane Moro and Nathalie Muller Mirza, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, France, pp. 209-235(In French)

Veresov, N. (2014). Method, methodology and methodological thinking. In M. Fleer & A. Ridgway (Eds.). Visual Methodologies and Digital Tools for Researching with Young Children. Springer, pp. 215-228

Veresov, N. (2014). Refocusing the Lens on Development: Towards Genetic Research Methodology. In M. Fleer & A. Ridgway (Eds.). Visual Methodologies and Digital Tools for Researching with Young Children. Springer, pp. 129-149

Veresov, N., (2010). Forgotten methodology: Vygotsky's case, in Methodological thinking in psychology: 60 years gone astray?, eds Aaro Toomela and Jaan Valsiner, IAP, United States, pp. 267-295

Veresov, N., 2010, Theoretical importance of motor skills studies: Three reflections in one mirror, in Connecting Paradigms of Motor Behaviour to Sport and Physical Education, eds Kaivo Thomson & Anthony Watt, TLU Press, Estonia, pp. 80-99

Veresov, N (2009). Developing world - “developing school - “developing child: possible response on challenges to educational institutions. In M. Elhammoumi (Ed.). Psychology in Arabic world: challenges and responses, p. 48 -58(in English and Arabic).

Veresov, N & Suortti, J. (2008). Generation "AS IF": some considerations from the point of view of cultural-historical psychology. Bulletin of Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, 7, p.341- 350 (in Russian).

Veresov, N (2007). Psychology of consciousness in Russia and the West: possible cross-points. In Akopov (Ed.) Psychology of consciousness: state of affairs and the perspectives. Samara (in Russian)

Veresov, N. (2006). Motor skills, live movements and the possibilities of fundamental psychology: towards non -linear dimensional model of development. In Thomson Kaivo, Liukkonen Jarmo & Jaakkola Timo (Eds.). Promotion of motor skills in sports and physical education, p. 19-27

Veresov, N (2005). Kulttuurin ymmartamisen mahdollisuuksista ja keinoista: loogis-filosofinen nakukulma. S. Verigin & N. Veresov (Eds.). Kieli-historia-kulttuuri. Yazyk-Istoria-Kultura. Oulun Yliopisto, p. 8-22 (In Russian with Finnish abstract).

Helenius, A & Veresov, N (2005). Inclusion by means of early intervention. Society, Interaction, Education. Proceedings of the international conference. Rezekne, 2005, p. 37-43

Veresov, N & Melnikov, A (2005). Obrazovanie I kultura: nerealnie tseli I realnie tsennosty. Rumiantsev O (Ed.) V perspective kulturologii. Moscow, p. 163 -195

Veresov, N. (2004). Zone of proximal development (ZPD): the hidden dimension? Anna- Lena Ostern & Ria Heil?-Ylikallio (Eds.). Language as culture – tensions in time and space. Vasa, ABO Akademi, Vol. 1, p. 13-30.

Hakkarainen, P., Veresov, N. (2001). Narrative learning; developmental perspective. In: V. Kudriavtsev (Ed.). Developing developmental education. Moscow. Gnom, 121-138.

Veresov, N. (2000). Vygotsky, Ilyenkov and Mamardashvili - Towards a monistic theory of mind (methodological notes). In V. Oittinen (Ed.) Evald Ilyenkov’s Philosophy Revisited. Kikimora Publishers, p. 131-145

Veresov, N. (2000). Learning and development: Piagetian and Vygotskian perspectives. In: Julkunen, K. & Haapala, A. (Eds.) Learning and Instruction in Multiple Context and Settings, 7-17.

Veresov, N. (1997). Mahdollisus luoda systeemiseen lahestymistapaan perustuvaa ei-klassista psykologiaa . In: Helenius, A & Razinov, P. (Eds.) Lapsi kielta oppimassa. Learning the language. University of Oulu. Publications of the Department of Teacher Education Kajaani, p. 70-84 (in Finnish)

Veresov, N. N. (1990). Education as a way of individual's development: Hegel's conception. In F. Mihailov (Ed.). Kultura, obrazovaniye i razvitie individa. [Culture, education and individual's development]. Moscow; IFAN Press, p. 81-94 (In Russian).


Kostogriz, A., & Veresov, N. (2021). The zone of proximal development and diversity. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. doi:

Veresov, N. (2021). Cultural-historical theory and the dialectics of lower and higher psychological functions. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, Published online ( September, 2021

Ma, J., Hammer, M. & Veresov, N. (2021): Cultural-historical study of crises in child role adjustment during transition to school within a bi-cultural context. Early Child Development and Care. Published online: 11 Jan 2021. To link to this article:

Nuutinen, S., Kewalramani, S., Veresov, Pontinen, S., Kontkanen, S. (2021). Understanding Early Childhood Science Education: Comparative Analysis of Australian and Finnish Curricula. Research in science education,

Nicholas, M., Veresov, N., Cripps Clark, J. (2021). Guided reading - Working within a child's zone of proximal development. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction,

Veraksa N.E., Veresov N.N., Veraksa A.N., Sukhikh V.L. (2020). Modern problems of children’s play: cultural-historical context. Cultural-historical Psychology, 16 (3), 60-70

Fleer, M., Walker, S., White, F., Veresov, N & Duhn, I. (2020). Playworlds as an evidenced-based model of practice for the intentional teaching of executive functions', Early Years, pp. 1--15,

Walker, S., Fleer, M., Veresov, N., Duhn, I. (2020). Enhancing executive function through imaginary play: a promising new practice principle. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 45 (2), 114-126. DOI:10.1177/1836939120918502

Veresov, N. (2020). Discovering the Great Royal Seal: New Reality of Vygotsky’s Legacy. Cultural-historical Psychology, 16 (2), 107-117. doi:10.17759/chp.2020160212

Fleer, M., Veresov, N., Walker, S. (2020). Playworlds and executive functions in children: theorising with the cultural-historical analytical lenses. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 54 (1), 124-141

Johora, F. T., Fleer, M., & Veresov, N. (2019). Inclusion of a child with expressive language difficulties in a mainstream Australian preschool – roundabout ways can create opportunities for participation. International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2019.1609100

Veresov, N. (2018). The Lively Character of the Continuous Work. Cultural-historical psychology, 14 (4), 25—29. (In Russian, abstr. in Engl.). doi: 10.17759/chp.2018140404

Fleer, M., Veresov, N., Walker, S. (2017). Re-conceptualizing executive functions as social activity in children's playworlds. Learning, culture and social interaction,

Veresov, N. (2017). ZBR and ZPD: is there a difference? Cultural-historical psychology, 13 (1) 23-36. doi: 10.17759/chp.2017130102

Fleer, M., Harrison, L. J., Veresov, N., & Walker, S. (2017). Working with teachers’ pedagogical strengths: The design of executive function activities for play-based programs. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 42(4), pp. 47-55.

Veresov, N. & Fleer, M. (2016). Perezhivanie as a theoretical concept for researching young children’s development. Mind, Culture and Activity, 23, (4), 325-335 DOI: 10.1080/10749039.2016.1186198

Veresov, N., Fleer, M. (2016). The Journey Forward. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 23 (4), 350-352

Veresov, N. (2016). Perezhivanie as a phenomenon and a concept: questions on clarification and methodological meditations.Cultural-Historical Psychology, 12 (3), 129-148. doi: 10.17759/chp.2016120308

Minson, V., Hammer, M., Veresov, N. (2016). Rethinking assessments: creating a new tool using the zone of proximal development within a cultural-historical framework. Cultural-Historical Psychology, 12 (3), 331-345 doi: 10.17759/chp.2016120320

Veresov, N., Barrs, M. (2016). The history of the reception of Vygotsky’s paper on play in Russia and the West. International Research in Early Childhood Education, 7 (2), 26-37

Barbosa Nasciutti, F., Veresov, N., Falcao de Aragao, A. M. (2016). The group as a source of development: rethinking professional development in a collaborative perspective. Outlines - critical practice studies, 17 (1), 86-108

Veresov, N. (2016). Duality of Categories or Dialectical Concepts. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 50 (2), 244-256

Goff, W., Veresov, N. (2015). Examining teacher-researcher collaboration through the cultural interface. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 2 (10). DOI 10.1007/s11422-015-96

Veresov, N., Kulikovskaya, I. (2015). Human world-outlook evolution: from L. S. Vygotsky to modern times. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6 (3), 570-574.Doi:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s1p570

Veresov, N. (2015). Experimental-genetic method and the psychology of consciousness: in search of the lost (article 2). Cultural-historical psychology, 11 (1), 117-126, (In Russian). ISSN: 2224-893

Irvine, S., Davidson, C., Veresov, N., Adams, M., Devi, A. (2015). Lenses and Lessons: Using three different research perspectives in early childhood education research. Cultural-historical psychology, 11 (3), 75-85.

Veresov, N., 2014, Experimental-genetic method and psychology of consciousness: in search of the lost (Part One), Cultural-Historical Psychology, (10)4, 121-130.(In Russian)

Mackenzie, N., Veresov, N. (2013). How drawing can support writing acquisition: text construction in early writing from a Vygotskian perspective. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 38(4), 22-29.

Veresov, N., Bustamante Smolka, A.L., Paradise, R. (2013). Expanding the cultural-historical theory: fourth generation is coming? Cultural-Historical Psychology, 3, 51-54.

Veresov, N. (2012). The importance of cultural-historical theory of education: Reflections on learning, development, business and creativity. Forum Oswiatowe, 1, 46, University of Lower Silesia, Poland, p 141-156.

Veresov, N. (2010). Introducing cultural-historical theory: main concepts and principles of genetic research methodology. Cultural-historical psychology, 4, p. 83-90

Veresov, N. (2010). Marxist and non-Marxist aspects of the cultural-historical psychology of L.S. Vygotsky. Russian psychology rewiev,1,p.18-28

Veresov, N. (2009). Rozwoj kulturowy rozumiany w kategoriach dramatu. Brakuj ce ogniwo czy ukryte przesanie L. S. Wygotskiego? [Development in terms of drama. Vygotsky’s view]. Terazniejszosc- Czlowiek-Edukacja, 1,45, p.47-55 (in Polish).

Veresov, N. (2009). Conflict in organization: resolution strategies. Social psychologist, 1, p. 11 -22 (in Russian)

Veresov, N (2009). Developing world - "developing school - "developing child: possible response on challenges to educational institutions. In M. Elhammoumi (Ed.). Psychology in Arabic world: challenges and responses, p. 48 -58 (in English and Arabic).

Veresov, N (2008). Kehityksen dimensioanaalinen maili. In Aili Helenius & Riitta Korhonen (Eds.) Pedagogiikan palikat. WSOY, p. 25-32 (in Finnish).

Veresov, N (2008). Some brief results. In Ponnikas, Mustonen, Korhonen, Aldea-Partanen, Veresov (Eds.) Maahanmuuttaj at osana kainuulaista - Ulkomaalaisvaeston tyoelamavalmiudet ja koulutustarpeet. Kainuun maakunta - kuntayhtyma (in Finnish).

Veresov, N & Suortti, J. (2008). Generation "AS IF": some considerations from the point of view of cultural-historical psychology. Bulletin of Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, 7, p.341- 350 (in Russian).

Veresov, N. (2007). The Vygotsky's Institute of psychology. Guest Editor Introduction of the special issue of Journal of Russian and East European psychology, 44, 6, 2006, p. 3 -6

Veresov, N (2007). Leading activity in developmental psychology. Journal of Russian and East European psychology. 44, 5, 2006, p. 7-26

Veresov, N (2007). Suomi country - open society? Bulletin of the Academy of Social and Pedagogical sciences, 1, p. 54-70 (in Russian)

Veresov, N (2006). Nikolai Bernshtein: the psychology of activeness and the psychology of action. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Vol. 44, 2, 3

Veresov, N. (2005). Marxist and non-Marxist aspects of the cultural-historical psychology of L. S. Vygotsky. Outlines. Critical Social studies. 7, 1, 31-50

Veresov, N. (2005). Leading activity in developmental psychology: the concept and the principle. Cultural- historical psychology. Bulletin, 2, 20-22

Veresov, N. & Melnikov, A. (2004). Education and culture: unreal purposes and real values. Izvetia Akademii Pedagogicheskih I sotsialnih nauk,(Newsletter of Academy of social and pedagogical sciences), 8 , p. 11-30 (in Russian).

Veresov, N., Akhutina, T (2003). In lieu of an introduction. An interview with Tatiana V. Akhutina. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Psychology of speech and neuropsychology, Vol. 41, 3-4. pp. 3-13

Veresov, N. (2003). Editor’s introduction. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Development, creativity, personality, culture. Vol. 41, 6, pp.3-7

Veresov, N. (2002). The Earth is our Home. Creative Education Journal, 10, 16-22 (in Serbian).

Veresov, N. (2002). The program of ecological education for pre-schoolers. Creative Education Journal, 10, 23-32 (in Serbian)

Veresov, N. (2002). Editor’s introduction. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Special issue in memory of A.V.Brushlinskii, Vol. 40, 2, pp. 3-6

Veresov, N. and Zinchenko, V. (2002). Editors introduction. Journal of Russian and East- European psychology. A.V. Zaporozhets and the psychology of voluntary action. Vol.40, 3, pp 3-13

Veresov, N. Hakkarainen (2001). Prerequisites of collective activity emergence in elder pre- schoolers. Voprosy psihologii [Problems of psychology], 1, 27-46 (in Russian).

Veresov, N., Hakkarainen, P. (2001). Psychology at the limit, or The limits of psychology. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 39, 1, 3-5

Veresov, N. (2001). Developmental psychology and the act of development (Guest Editor’s introduction). Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 39,4, 3-8

Veresov, N. Hakkarainen (2000). On psychological pre-conditions for the collective activity in play and learning. International Association for the Developmental Education Bulletin, 8, 32-45

Veresov, N. (2000). Vygotsky - Ilyenkov - Mamardashvili. Searching for monistic way in psychology. Voprosy filosofii [Problems of Philosophy], 12, 48 - 64 (in Russian).

Veresov, N., Hakkarainen, P. (1999). D.B. El’konin and the evolution of developmental psychology. Journal of Russian and East European psychology, 6, 3-10

Hakkarainen, P., Veresov, N. (1998). Leikki, mielekkyys ja lapsen kehitys[ Play, meaning and child development]. Kasvatus. The Finnish Journal of Education, 5, p. 452 - 462 (in Finnish)

Veresov, N. N. (1997). Ecos: the Home without walls. Introduction to theoretical basics of the "We are earthlings" curriculum. In: Rasanen, R. & Sunnari, V. (Eds.). Challenges for growth within boundaries. Oulun Yliopiston kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan tutkimuksia, 98, p. 139-153

Veresov, (1995). The "We are earthlings" curriculum for ecological education of young children (second article). Doshkolnoye vospitaniye [Preschool education] Journal. 1, p.19-25 (In Russian).

Veresov, N. N. (1995) The day as a year. Doshkolnoye vospitaniye [Preschool education] Journal. 3, p. 22-40 (In Russian).

Veresov, N. N. (1994). The "We are earthlings" curriculum for ecological education of young children (first article). Doshkolnoye vospitaniye [Preschool education] Journal.12, p. 23-33 (In Russian).

Veresov, N. N. (1993). "We are earthlings" - children say. Econord. International Journal for Northern Europe. 6, p. 69-80. (In Russian, English, and Norwegian).

Veresov, N. N. (1993). Origins of humanitarian approach to ecological education of young children. Doshkolnoye vospitaniye [Preschool education] Journal. 7, p.39-43 (In Russian).

Veresov, N. N. (1991). Culture and creativity as psychological ideas. Voprosy psikhologii [Problems in psychology], 1-2, 124-129 (In Russian)

Veresov, N. N. (1990). Scientifical metaphors and puzzling questions. Voprosy filosofii. [Problems in philosophy], 11, p. 169-171

Veresov, N. N. (1987) Learning history and formation of historical concepts. Voprosy psikhologii [Problems in psychology], 6, p. 86-97 (In Russian).