Associate Professor Nikolai Veresov      


Faculty of Education                                   
Monash University
Peninsula Campus

Personal Details

Professional Qualifications




Ph.D. (Psychology), University of Oulu, Finland

Ph.D. (Developmental Psychology), Moscow Pedagogical University, Russia

Master of Education, Murmansk Pedagogical Institute, Russia

Russia, Finland

Countries Worked

Employment History

2107 - current

2014 – current             


2007 – 2011


1998 - 2002


1995 – 1996

Head of Early Years Academic Community, Faculty of Education, Monash University

Deputy Head of Early Years Academic Community, Faculty of Education, Monash University

 Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Monash University

Senior Researcher, Kajaani University Consortium, Finland

Senior Researcher, Centre for Developmental Learning and Teaching, Kajaani Unit, University of Oulu, Finland

Invited Professor, Moscow City Institute of psychology and Education

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Oulu, Finland

Director of Research, Kajaani Department of Teacher Education, University of Oulu, Finland

Researcher, Kajaani Department of Teacher Education, University of Oulu, Finland

Invited Researcher, Faculty of Education, University of Oulu, Finland

Head of Department of Psychology of Management, Murmansk Technical University, Russia

Teaching experience



EDF2302 Re-imagining children’s learning

EDF2030 Contemporary child development theories and practices

3039 Leadership and management in educational contexts

EDF4327 Practice informing research

EDF4325 The early childhood curriculum

EDF4323 Leadership and management in early childhood education

EDF5913 Educational and administrative leadership

EDF4039 Professional identity, leadership and engagement

Leadership in teaching/course management

Chief Examiner:

Unit coordinator:

EDF2302 Re-imagining children’s learning

EDF2030 Contemporary child development theories and practices

EDF3039 Leadership and management in educational contexts

EDF4323 Leadership and management in early childhood education

EDF5913 Educational and administrative leadership

EDF4039 Professional identity, leadership and engagement

EDF2302 Re-imagining children’s learning

EDF2030 Contemporary child development theories and practices

EDF3039 Leadership and management in educational contexts

EDF4323 Leadership and management in early childhood education

EDF5913 Educational and administrative leadership

PhD/HDR supervision:










eLearning in context: teaching practices and conceptions mediated by eLearning within the sociocultural context of a Saudi Arabian university

Children in the Transition Period from Pre-school to Primary School

Supporting Socially Contextual Problem Solving within the Preschool Setting

Rethinking assessments: creating a new tool using the Zone of Proximal development within a cultural-historical framework

English as a second language in Saudi Arabia schools: teaching strategies and developmental conditions

A cultural-historical study of children’s role adjustment during transition to school within a bi-cultural context

Influencing on parenting style on problem solving and decision making in young children

Inclusive Education: Participation of Children with Disabilities in Australian Mainstream Preschools

The activity of language learning; an autoethnographic case study on mediation in learning Mandarin

2011-2013 (complete)

2014-2015 (complete)

2016 (complete)








Master by research

Master by research




Master by research



Research Interests

Early childhood development

Cultural-historical theory and research methodology

Play, learning, and development

Executive functions in early years

Research projects/grants


since 2015






Research project

ARC grant LP150100279 : Building executive function in imaginary play

Review and Evaluation of the Inquiry into Implementation Project

“Excellence in Research in Early Years Education Collaborative Research Network” (EREYE CRN) funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate  Change, Science, Research and Tertiary  Education

Megagrant YTsst20983/12: Development of professional consciousness of teachers in multicultural contexts" Federal Program granted by Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation

Grant SSE0812: Safe school: teachers, children and parents cooperation and relationships. Funded by Finnish national board of Education and Ministry of Education, Republic Karelia, Russian Federation

Research grant SSE314: Improvement of co-operation between parents, schools and local education administrations in the republic of Karelia

Funded ($)





150. 000 Euro

220.000 Euro


Chief investigators:

Prof. Marilyn Fleer (PSI),

Prof. Sue Walker,

Ass.Prof. Nikolai Veresov

Dr. Iris Duhn

Chief investigators:

Dr. Iris Duhn

Dr. Joseph Agbenyega

Dr. Jane Bone

Dr. Denise Chapman

Dr. Gloria Quinones

Dr. Nikolai Veresov

Co-leader of Program 2 “Early years curriculum, pedagogy and professional practice”

Program Scientific Director, Chief investigator

Leader of Finnish experts team, Head of international investigators team

Chief investigators:

Ass. Prof. Nikolai Veresov (Finland), Prof. Pentti Hakkarainen (Finland) Prof. Alexander Mikailov (Russia)

Managerial and administrative responsibilities

  • Deputy Head of Early Years Academic community, Faculty of Education, Monash University
  • Child and Community Development Faculty research group (FRG) co-leader
  • Faculty of education Research Committee member
  • Course advisory Committee (Bachelor of Yearly Years), Faculty of Education
  • Course advisory Committee (Master of Education Early Years/Primary), Faculty of education
  • International society of cultural-historical activity research (ISCAR) Executive Committee member and Australasian regional coordinator
  • Australian Research Council (ARC) grant proposals  evaluator



Veresov, N. (2012). Resolving conflicts in collectives: formula of opposition. September Publishers. Moscow

Veresov, N. N. (2006). Psihologia upravlenia. Second (revised) edition. Moscow (in Russian).

Veresov, N. (2003). The Formula of Opposition. SPU; Second Edition, Moscow (in Russian),

Veresov N. N. (2001). Psychology of management and administration. Moscow (in Russian),

Veresov, N. (1999). Undiscovered Vygotsky. Etudes on the pre-history of cultural- historical psychology. Frankfurt am Main; Peter Lang Publishers

Veresov, N. (1998). The Formula of Opposition. SPU; Moscow (in Russian).

Book Chapters

Veresov, N., Kellogg, D. (2019). Leaving the stage. In L.S. Vygotsky’s Pedological Works. Volume 1. Foundations of Pedology (pp. 143-156). Singapore: Springer Nature

Kellogg, D. & Veresov, N. (2019). Setting the stage. In L.S. Vygotsky’s Pedological Works. Volume 1. Foundations of Pedology (pp. v-xix). Singapore: Springer Nature

Veresov, N. (2019). Subjectivity and perezhivanie: empirical and methodological challenges and opportunities. In F. Gonzalez Rey, A. Mitjans Martinez, D. Goulart (Eds.). Subjectivity within Cultural-Historical Approach (pp. 61-86). Singapore: Springer.

Veresov, N., Mok, N. (2018). Understanding development through the perezhivanie of learning. In J. P. Lantolf, M. Poehner & M. Swain (Eds.), (2018). The Routledge handbook of sociocultural theory and second language development (pp 89-101). NY: Routledge.

Fleer, M., Veresov, N. (2018). A cultural-historical methodology for researching early childhood education. In M. Fleer, B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education, Springer International Handbooks of Education, Vol. 1, pp. 225-250DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-0927-7_9

Fleer, M., Veresov, N. (2018). Cultural-historical and activity theories informing early childhood education. In M. Fleer, B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education, Springer International Handbooks of Education, Vol. 1, pp. 47-76 DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-0927-7_3

Kravtsova, E., Veraksa, N., Veresov, N. (2018). Contemporary research in early childhood: roots and perspectives. In M. Fleer, B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook of Early Childhood Education, Springer International Handbooks of Education, Vol. 1, pp. 429-448 DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-0927-7_18

Veraksa, N., Veresov, N. (2018). Dialectical thinking research in early years. In N. Veraksa, S. Sheridan (Eds.), (2018). Vygotsky’s theory in early childhood education and research: Russian and Western values (pp.25-38). London and New York: Routledge

Veresov, N. (2014). Emotions, perezhivanie et developpement culturel: le projet inacheve de Lev Vygotski (Human emotions, perezhivanie, and cultural development: the unfinished project of Lev Vygotsky), in Semiotique, Culture et Developpement Psychologique, eds Christiane Moro and Nathalie Muller Mirza, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, France, pp. 209-235.(In French)

Veresov, N. (2014).Method, methodology and methodological thinking. In M. Fleer & A. Ridgway (Eds.). Visual Methodologies and Digital Tools for Researching with Young Children. Springer, pp. 215-228

Veresov, N. (2014). Refocusing the Lens on Development: Towards Genetic Research Methodology. In M. Fleer & A. Ridgway (Eds.). Visual Methodologies and Digital Tools for Researching with Young Children. Springer, pp. 129-149

Veresov, N., (2010). Forgotten methodology: Vygotsky's case, in Methodological thinking in psychology: 60 years gone astray?, eds Aaro Toomela and Jaan Valsiner, IAP, United States, pp. 267-295

Veresov, N., 2010, Theoretical importance of motor skills studies: Three reflections in one mirror, in Connecting Paradigms of Motor Behaviour to Sport and Physical Education, eds Kaivo Thomson & Anthony Watt, TLU Press, Estonia, pp. 80-99

Veresov, N (2009). Developing world - “developing school - “developing child: possible response on challenges to educational institutions. In M. Elhammoumi (Ed.). Psychology in Arabic world: challenges and responses, p. 48 -58(in English and Arabic).

Veresov, N & Suortti, J. (2008). Generation "AS IF": some considerations from the point of view of cultural-historical psychology. Bulletin of Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, 7, p.341- 350 (in Russian).

Veresov, N (2007). Psychology of consciousness in Russia and the West: possible cross-points. In Akopov (Ed.) Psychology of consciousness: state of affairs and the perspectives. Samara (in Russian) 

Veresov, N. (2006). Motor skills, live movements and the possibilities of fundamental psychology: towards non -linear dimensional model of development. In Thomson Kaivo, Liukkonen Jarmo & Jaakkola Timo (Eds.). Promotion of motor skills in sports and physical education, p. 19-27

Veresov, N (2005). Kulttuurin ymmartamisen mahdollisuuksista ja keinoista: loogis-filosofinen nakukulma. S. Verigin & N. Veresov (Eds.). Kieli-historia-kulttuuri. Yazyk-Istoria-Kultura. Oulun Yliopisto,  p. 8-22 (In Russian with Finnish abstract).

Helenius, A & Veresov, N (2005). Inclusion by means of early intervention. Society, Interaction, Education. Proceedings of the international conference. Rezekne, 2005, p. 37-43

Veresov, N & Melnikov, A (2005). Obrazovanie I kultura: nerealnie tseli I realnie tsennosty. Rumiantsev O (Ed.) V perspective kulturologii. Moscow, p. 163 -195

Veresov, N. (2004). Zone of proximal development (ZPD): the hidden dimension? Anna- Lena Ostern & Ria Heil?-Ylikallio (Eds.). Language as culture – tensions in time and space. Vasa, ABO Akademi, Vol. 1, p. 13-30.

Hakkarainen, P., Veresov, N. (2001). Narrative learning; developmental perspective. In: V. Kudriavtsev (Ed.). Developing developmental education. Moscow. Gnom, 121-138.

Veresov, N. (2000). Vygotsky, Ilyenkov and Mamardashvili - Towards a monistic theory of mind (methodological notes). In V. Oittinen (Ed.) Evald Ilyenkov’s Philosophy Revisited. Kikimora Publishers, p. 131-145

Veresov, N. (2000). Learning and development: Piagetian and Vygotskian perspectives. In: Julkunen, K. & Haapala, A. (Eds.) Learning and Instruction in Multiple Context and Settings, 7-17. 

Veresov, N. (1997). Mahdollisus luoda systeemiseen lahestymistapaan perustuvaa ei-klassista psykologiaa . In: Helenius, A & Razinov, P. (Eds.) Lapsi kielta oppimassa. Learning the language. University of Oulu. Publications of the Department of Teacher Education Kajaani, p. 70-84 (in Finnish)

Veresov, N. N. (1990). Education as a way of individual's development: Hegel's conception. In F. Mihailov (Ed.). Kultura, obrazovaniye i razvitie individa. [Culture, education and individual's development]. Moscow; IFAN Press, p. 81-94 (In Russian). 


Fleer, M., Veresov, N., Walker, S. (2020). Playworlds and executive functions in children: theorising with the cultural-historical analytical lenses. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 54 (1), 124-141

Johora, F. T., Fleer, M., & Veresov, N. (2019). Inclusion of a child with expressive language difficulties in a mainstream Australian preschool – roundabout ways can create opportunities for participation. International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2019.1609100

Veresov, N. (2018). The Lively Character of the Continuous Work. Cultural-historical psychology, 14 (4), 25—29. (In Russian, abstr. in Engl.). doi: 10.17759/chp.2018140404

Fleer, M., Veresov, N., Walker, S. (2017). Re-conceptualizing executive functions as social activity in children's playworlds. Learning, culture and social interaction,

Veresov, N. (2017). ZBR and ZPD: is there a difference? Cultural-historical psychology, 13 (1) 23-36. doi: 10.17759/chp.2017130102

Fleer, M., Harrison, L. J., Veresov, N., & Walker, S. (2017). Working with teachers’ pedagogical strengths: The design of executive function activities for play-based programs. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 42(4), pp. 47-55.

Veresov, N. (2015). Experimental-genetic method and the psychology of consciousness: in search of the lost (article 2). Cultural-historical psychology, 11 (1), 117-126, (In Russian). ISSN: 2224-893

Veresov, N., 2014, Experimental-genetic method and psychology of consciousness: in search of the lost (Part One), Cultural-Historical Psychology, (10)4, 121-130.(In Russian)

Mackenzie, N., Veresov, N. (2013). How drawing can support writing acquisition: text construction in early writing from a Vygotskian perspective. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood,  38(4), 22-29.

Veresov, N., Bustamante Smolka, A.L., Paradise, R. (2013). Expanding the cultural-historical theory: fourth generation is coming? Cultural-Historical Psychology, 3, 51-54.

Veresov, N. (2012). The importance of cultural-historical theory of education: Reflections on learning, development, business and creativity. Forum Oswiatowe, 1, 46, University of Lower Silesia, Poland, p 141-156.

Veresov, N. (2010). Introducing cultural-historical theory: main concepts and principles of genetic research methodology. Cultural-historical psychology, 4, p. 83-90

Veresov, N. (2010). Marxist and non-Marxist aspects of the cultural-historical psychology of L.S. Vygotsky. Russian psychology rewiev,1,p.18-28

Veresov, N. (2009). Rozwoj kulturowy rozumiany w kategoriach dramatu. Brakuj ce ogniwo czy ukryte przesanie L. S. Wygotskiego? [Development in terms of drama. Vygotsky’s view]. Terazniejszosc- Czlowiek-Edukacja, 1,45, p.47-55 (in Polish).

Veresov, N. (2009). Conflict in organization: resolution strategies. Social psychologist, 1, p. 11 -22 (in Russian)

Veresov, N (2009). Developing world - "developing school - "developing child: possible response on challenges to educational institutions. In M. Elhammoumi (Ed.). Psychology in Arabic world: challenges and responses, p. 48 -58 (in English and Arabic).

Veresov, N (2008). Kehityksen dimensioanaalinen maili. In Aili Helenius & Riitta Korhonen (Eds.) Pedagogiikan palikat. WSOY, p. 25-32 (in Finnish).

Veresov, N (2008). Some brief results. In Ponnikas, Mustonen, Korhonen, Aldea-Partanen, Veresov (Eds.) Maahanmuuttaj at osana kainuulaista - Ulkomaalaisvaeston tyoelamavalmiudet ja koulutustarpeet. Kainuun maakunta - kuntayhtyma (in Finnish).

Veresov, N & Suortti, J. (2008). Generation "AS IF": some considerations from the point of view of cultural-historical psychology. Bulletin of Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, 7, p.341- 350 (in Russian).

Veresov, N. (2007). The Vygotsky's Institute of psychology. Guest Editor Introduction of the special issue of Journal of Russian and East European psychology, 44, 6, 2006, p. 3 -6

Veresov, N (2007). Leading activity in developmental psychology. Journal of Russian and East European psychology. 44, 5, 2006, p. 7-26

Veresov, N (2007). Suomi country - open society? Bulletin of the Academy of Social and Pedagogical sciences, 1, p. 54-70 (in Russian)

Veresov, N (2006). Nikolai Bernshtein: the psychology of activeness and the psychology of action. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Vol. 44, 2, 3

Veresov, N. (2005). Marxist and non-Marxist aspects of the cultural-historical psychology of L. S. Vygotsky. Outlines. Critical Social studies. 7, 1, 31-50

Veresov, N. (2005). Leading activity in developmental psychology: the concept and the principle. Cultural- historical psychology. Bulletin, 2, 20-22

Veresov, N. & Melnikov, A. (2004). Education and culture: unreal purposes and real values. Izvetia Akademii Pedagogicheskih I sotsialnih nauk,(Newsletter of Academy of social and pedagogical sciences),  8 , p. 11-30 (in Russian).

Veresov, N., Akhutina, T (2003). In lieu of an introduction. An interview with Tatiana V. Akhutina. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Psychology of speech and neuropsychology, Vol. 41, 3-4. pp. 3-13

Veresov, N. (2003). Editor’s introduction. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Development, creativity, personality, culture. Vol. 41, 6, pp.3-7

Veresov, N. (2002). The Earth is our Home. Creative Education Journal, 10, 16-22 (in Serbian). 

Veresov, N. (2002). The program of ecological education for pre-schoolers. Creative Education Journal, 10, 23-32 (in Serbian)

Veresov, N. (2002). Editor’s introduction. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Special issue in memory of A.V.Brushlinskii, Vol. 40, 2, pp. 3-6 

Veresov, N. and Zinchenko, V. (2002). Editors introduction. Journal of Russian and East- European psychology. A.V. Zaporozhets and the psychology of voluntary action. Vol.40, 3, pp 3-13

Veresov, N. Hakkarainen (2001). Prerequisites of collective activity emergence in elder pre- schoolers. Voprosy psihologii [Problems of psychology], 1, 27-46 (in Russian).

Veresov, N., Hakkarainen, P. (2001). Psychology at the limit, or The limits of psychology. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 39, 1, 3-5

Veresov, N. (2001). Developmental psychology and the act of development (Guest Editor’s introduction). Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 39,4, 3-8

Veresov, N. Hakkarainen (2000). On psychological pre-conditions for the collective activity in play and learning. International Association for the Developmental Education Bulletin, 8, 32-45

Veresov, N. (2000). Vygotsky - Ilyenkov - Mamardashvili. Searching for monistic way in psychology.  Voprosy filosofii [Problems of Philosophy], 12, 48 - 64 (in Russian).

Veresov, N., Hakkarainen, P. (1999). D.B. El’konin and the evolution of developmental   psychology. Journal of Russian and East European psychology, 6, 3-10

Hakkarainen, P., Veresov, N. (1998). Leikki, mielekkyys ja lapsen kehitys[ Play, meaning and child development]. Kasvatus. The Finnish Journal of Education, 5, p. 452 - 462 (in Finnish) 

Veresov, N. N. (1997). Ecos: the Home without walls. Introduction to theoretical basics of the "We are earthlings" curriculum. In: Rasanen, R. & Sunnari, V. (Eds.). Challenges for growth within boundaries. Oulun Yliopiston kasvatustieteiden tiedekunnan tutkimuksia, 98, p. 139-153 

Veresov, (1995). The "We are earthlings" curriculum for ecological education of young children (second article). Doshkolnoye vospitaniye [Preschool education] Journal. 1, p.19-25 (In Russian). 

Veresov, N. N. (1995) The day as a year. Doshkolnoye vospitaniye [Preschool education] Journal. 3, p. 22-40 (In Russian).

Veresov, N. N. (1994). The "We are earthlings" curriculum for ecological  education of young children (first article). Doshkolnoye vospitaniye [Preschool education] Journal.12, p. 23-33 (In Russian).

Veresov, N. N. (1993). "We are earthlings" - children say. Econord. International Journal for Northern Europe. 6, p. 69-80. (In Russian, English, and Norwegian).

Veresov, N. N. (1993). Origins of humanitarian approach to ecological education of young children. Doshkolnoye vospitaniye [Preschool education] Journal. 7, p.39-43 (In Russian).

Veresov, N. N. (1991). Culture and creativity as psychological ideas.   Voprosy psikhologii [Problems in psychology], 1-2, 124-129 (In Russian)

Veresov, N. N. (1990). Scientifical metaphors and puzzling questions.     Voprosy filosofii. [Problems in philosophy], 11, p. 169-171

Veresov, N. N. (1987) Learning history and formation of historical concepts. Voprosy psikhologii [Problems in psychology], 6, p. 86-97 (In Russian). 

Editing experience (journals)

  • Journal of Russian and East European psychology (Editorial Board)
  • International journal of cultural-historical psychology (Editorial Board)
  • Journal of developmental learning (Editorial Board)
  • Outlines. Journal of social critical practice (Editorial Board)
  • Journal of integrated social sciences (Editorial Board)
  • Creative education (Editorial Board)

Editing experience (book series)

  • Springer book series “Perspectives in cultural-historical research” Co-editor
  • Springer book series “Cultural psychology of education” -  Editorial board

Edited books/journals special issues

  • Fleer, M., Gonsales-Rey, F. & Veresov, N. (Eds.) (2017). Perezhivanie, emotions, subjectivity: advancing Vygotsky’s legacy. Springer Publishers
  • Special issue co-editor: Expanding the cultural-historical theory: fourth generation is coming? Cultural-Historical Psychology, 2013, 3,
  • Nikolai Bernshtein: the psychology of activeness and the psychology of action. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology, 2006, 44, 2
  • Verigin, S. & Veresov, N. (Eds.)(20015). Kieli-historia- kulttuuri. Yazyk-Istoria-Kultura. Oulun Yliopisto
  • Development, creativity, personality, culture. Special issue of Journal of Russian and East-European psychology, 2004, 41, 6
  • A.V. Zaporozhets and the psychology of voluntary action. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology, 2002,  40, 3, Guest Editor (with V. P. Zinchenko).

Reviewing experience

  • Mind, Culture and Activity Journal
  • Creative education Journal
  • Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Journal
  • Integrative psychological and behavioural science journal

Professional Associations

  • International Vygotsky Society, Member of International Executive Committee
  • ISCAR (International Society for cultural historical activity research), Coordinator of Austraasian region, Executive Committee member
  • International Society for Developmental Pre-school Education, Member of International Executive Committee
  • International Society for Humanistic Psychology, Chair of Russian Northern-Western Regional Board
  • International Association for Developmental Learning (MARO), Expert Committee

Professional Activities:

Since 1998 Nikolai participated at 45 international scientific Conferences with keynote speeches and presentations conferences Committees

2013 – ISCAR (International Society of cultural and activity research) – Chair of International Program    Committee of Sydney2014 ISCAR Congress

2011 (September) -      International Conference “Psychology of consciousness”, Samara, Russia

2011 (August) -            ISCAR Summer University, Moscow, Russia (Organising Committee)

2010 (June) -               First ISCAR Summer school, Moscow, Russia (Organising Committee)

2009 (March) -           All-Arabic Conference on psychology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Scientific Committee)

2009 (March) -          International Doctoral school, Kajaani, Finland (Organizing Committee))                                

2008 (June)  -            Cultural Diversity in the Epoch of Globalization International Conference,   Murmansk, Russia (Organizing  Committee)

2006 (March) -          "Contemporary school management" International Symposium, Kirovsk, Russia (Organizing Committee)

2006 (February) -      Culture, language, communication Conference, Kajaani, Finland (Organizing  Committee)

2005 (December) -    Fifth International Vygotsky's readings Conference, Moscow, Russia (Organizing Committee)

2004 (November) - "EKOS" - home without walls: ecological education" International Conference,  Belgrade, Serbia (Organizing Committee)

2003 (December) -  MARO (International Association for Developmental learning) Annual Conference,  Moscow (Scientific Committee)

2002 (December) -   MARO (International Association for Developmental learning) Annual Conference, Moscow (Scientific Committee)

1999 (September) -  International Ilyenkov's Symposium, Helsinki, Finland (Planning Committee)

Editorial activities

2013 -   Special issue co-editor: Expanding the cultural-historical theory: fourth generation is coming? Cultural-Historical Psychology, 3,

2006 -   Guest editor: Nikolai Bernshtein: the psychology of activeness and the psychology of action. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Vol. 44, 2

2005 -   S. Verigin & N. Veresov (Eds.). Kieli-historia- kulttuuri. Yazyk-Istoria-Kultura. Oulun Yliopisto (Editor)

2004     Guest Editor. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Development, creativity, personality, culture. Vol. 41, 6

2002 -  Guest Editor (with V. P. Zinchenko). Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. A.V. Zaporozhets and the psychology of voluntary action. Vol.40, 3

2002 -   Guest Editor. Journal of Russian and East-European psychology. Special issue in memory of A.V.Brushlinskii, Vol. 40, 2

2001 -  Guest editor : Developmental psychology and the act of development. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 39,4

2001 - Guest editor (together with P. Hakkarainen), Psychology at the limit, or The limits of psychology. Journal of Russian and East European Psychology, 39, 1,

1999 -   Guest editor (together with P. Hakkarainen). D.B. El'konin and the evolution of developmental psychology, Journal of Russian and East European psychology, 6, 3-10
